You can multiply money, but only ideas can create it.

“Moral” Property

The purpose of a patent is to defend intellectual property which refers to an idea. The idea can be of a single, of a group of people or of a company.
It’s implicit, however, the purpose to protect an idea or because throught it we want to make money or because we want to impede others its use or application.

Periodically it emerges, from different statistical surveys, that private citizens without any direct working involvement direct in their idea, patent in search of fortune. This search for fortune is often led by strong convictions and by an
equally strong involvement with the primary idea of the patent.
As a percentage there are very few people who can benefit economically from the registration of a patent. Not infrequently, many of these patents, “private” decay, they are left to expire because who patent it is demoralized or because the finances of an individual can’t bear the cost of the renewal of the patent. This will happen a fortiori if the same was extended to extra-areas which involve “package” costs for the protection on more nationalities.

“Expired patent” is therefore of all.
I&B will promote the principle of “Moral” property. Infact we can’t in fact consider that the action of filing a patent represents an obligation to make an idea public. Obviously this needs to happen, it is rather obvious that who patents lose all rights to that idea never yield fruits from an assignment.

Many patents become products and services right after their expire. For this reason it is necessary to look at the concept of “Moral” Property. Almost it’s like a “parental authority“.

From here today it start our committent.
